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Let This Video Be Your Inspiration For The Weekend

A non-league match in England between Glossop North End and Ramsbottom FC yielded one of the greatest renditions of the playground prank referred to as “table topping” that you’ll ever see.

The “table top”, as defined by urban dictionary, is when “an innocent bystander is standing up. Someone gets on their hands and knees behind them and another person pushes them, making them fall on their a**.”

Typically, this move is performed on teammates at practice while the coach is droning on about tactics and team shape. 

What makes this table top so exceptional is that it’s performed during a match, on the referee and done without the assistance of another — the ref’s momentum simply takes him down.

This is a good thing because if another player would’ve shoved the ref, that wouldn’t have been very inspiring at all. That would’ve been a straight red.

That’s classic. The Glossop North End player gets his angles just right. The fake tying of his shoes is an excellent touch as well. The bar has been set. For those of you with matches this weekend, you know what to do. 

(H/T: Who Ate All The Pies

Follow me on Twitter: @ConmanFleming

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