
Premier League Players Try Ice Hockey And Fail Miserably

Southampton F.C. tired to inspire some good old team bonding at the local ice hockey rink. It’s tough to tell if it worked, but people are definitely falling down everywhere.

Chelsea Player Injures Himself Celebrating Win In Which He Did Not Play

Nemanja Matic just wanted to celebrate with the boys, and the soccer gods duly punished him for his insolence.

Van Gaal Cannot Imagine What Happens In This Video

Louis van Gaal has said he cannot imagine that Johnny Evans spit at Papiss Cisse. Well Louis, that’s too bad, because the incident was caught on tape.

Keeper Punches Player’s Face, Not The Ball

The Brazilian top flight is known for its flashy play and attacking football, but this this punch to the face involves absolutely none of that.

The Ultimate Own Goal: Off The Face, Off The Cross Bar, In For The Goal

The keeper made the save, and it was all downhill from there in this hilarious 10 second video.

Italian Scores Winning Goal, Smashes Into Wall To Celebrate

Antonio Candreva scored what would prove to be the winner for Lazio against Parma, but his celebration went a bit awry.

11 More Places The Chelsea Bus Driver Thinks He Can Fit His Bus, But Cannot.

Chelsea's bus driver failed to get though the entrance to the stadium before yesterday's Chelsea vs PSG match. So we got to thinking, where else couldn't he fit his bus?

Watch The Best Goal Celebrations Ever

This compilation of the funniest, craziest, most epic goal celebrations will leave you all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
