Oh, the trials and tribulations of Arsene Wenger trying to zip up his coat.
The Arsenal manager's wardrobe difficulties are so famous, in fact, that Puma just released a new commercial focused on a zipper. For some, this new Puma spot could be extremely weird. Why, after all, would a clothing company make such a big deal out of a zipper? Well, The18 is here to debunk your confusion! There are countless videos documenting Arsene Wenger’s struggles with coat zippers.
Good lord Arsene, it's not that hard.

The struggles continue.

8 minutes later, he's still working on it.

Wenger should go ask the guy on the right to zip it up for him. He had no trouble.

"Ahh forget it, f*&% this thing"

Yeah, it's that bad. But now that we’re all caught up on the joke that is Arsene Wenger’s zipper problem, check out the new Puma commercial that was released this week.
No wonder Arsenal have struggled to win the league all these years. Arsene’s zipper malfunctions have been forcing him to lose focus during games. Well, all is well now Gunners fans. Puma has saved the day and, don't you worry, it is still just as long as it was before.