Premier League

Tense Training Ground Footage Reveals Just How Bad Things Are Between Mourinho And Pogba

Forget MTV or TMZ, one need not look further than this Pogba Mourinho stuff at Old Trafford for some of the most eye-popping, high-profile drama of 2018.

There has been trouble abound in paradise for England’s most storied club in recent weeks as the Red Devils have stumbled early on in the season with a less-than-stellar start in domestic play, a manager who is feeling the pressure and discontent in the locker room.

Former EPL Striker Grant Holt Makes Wrestling Debut, Wins A Royal Rumble

Grant Holt was one of Norwich City’s most influential players during its recent time in the Premier League, contributing 23 goals for the Canaries.

However, everyone’s time as a player must eventually come to an end, but would Holt just walk away from being an athlete for good?

Of course not. And he did what any logical retired footballer would do: he became a wrestler.

Are All Goals Worth The Same?

There is a story about the now mythical Manchester City that won the Premier League in 2011-12.
