
Look Out, Here Comes A Bear With The Match Ball

We'll say this about Russia: It has established a brand and executed a plan to grow the brand into something world-renowned and maintained the brand very well.

What is Russia's brand you ask? Oh, you already know. "Crazy stuff happens here." "It's like if Florida was cold and a country." "Anything can happen at any time and everyone is miserable."

College Soccer Player Saves Squirrel's Life Via CPR Learned From Watching "The Office"

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Champions League reactions and analysis to bring you a heartwarming story out of Central Michigan University that involves a soccer player, a drowning squirrel and "The Office."

30 Footballers Who Are Animal Lovers At Heart

If there’s one thing people like more than football, it’s animals. Few can resist a cute pup, cuddly cat or rascally raccoon. OK maybe not so much the raccoon, but everyone definitely loves pictures of footballers with animals. 

Soccer players, just like the rest of us, love their pets — and animals in general. We love soccer players and animals, so we felt it prudent to compile a list of the 30 cutest pictures of footballers with animals.

Girl Gets Bored To Death At Sister’s Soccer Game, Unearths 65 Million-Year-Old Fossil

She’s here — the savior of American paleontology. A seven-year-old fossil hoarder of rare vision, technique and digging skills. Will the United States Women’s Paleontology National Team (USWPNT) win the 2032 Fossil-Finding World Cup? If Naomi Vaughan keeps up her recent form over the next 15 years, definitely.

Sorry, as a soccer website, it’s our responsibility to hype these sorts of things to an ungodly degree. 

Watch Liverpool Players Try To Train Some Good Dogs

Of course Alberto Moreno is the best Liverpool player at training dogs. Alberto Moreno is like if a dog was a person. With this and his miniature golf domination of Firmino and Coutinho earlier this season, Moreno is quickly filling the "extremely good at random LFCTV competitions" void left by Lucas's departure (see the Fair Day obliteration for more details on that).

2018 World Cup Reportedly Threatened By Plague Of Locusts

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled workday to bring you an alarming development from Russian agriculture ministry crop farming department head Pyotr Chekmarev, who, at an agriculture event in Moscow, said the World Cup could be overrun by locusts this summer.

This James Rodriguez Goal Is As Delicate As A German Shepherd Picking Up A Kitten By Its Head

James Rodriguez welcomed the Bundesliga back from its winter break with a sublime piece of accuracy, an exquisite free kick to cap off Bayern Munich’s 3-1 victory over Bayer Leverkusen on Friday. With the Munich holding a one-goal lead heading into stoppage time, the reigning German champions got a little bit of wiggle room thanks to the James Rodriguez free kick goal. 
