Algerian Attacker Ziri Hammar Absolutely Laces One

USM Alger attacking midfielder Ziri Hammar applied the violence on a long-range shot from an impossible angle.
July 10, 2017

If you put your ear close enough to your device’s audio speaker, you can hear this shot whistle. I s**t you not, whether you're at the office, on the bus or in a public library, play the video again but put your ear right next the speaker like its a seashell and turn it way, way up.

That’s the rushing sound of Ziri Hammar just lacing a shot for Algerian club USM Alger against Zimbabwe’s CAPS United in the CAF Champions League group stage. 

If anyone asks you what you’re doing, just tell them your listening to the resonance of an absolute pile driver and it sounds like the ocean.