What If We Flopped In Real Life? (VIDEO)

If we all behaved like footballers on the pitch, life would be pretty interesting. Check it out here.
July 13, 2014

Flopping in soccer is a part of the game whether we like it or not. A big reason flopping in soccer happens so often is due to how valuable set pieces are and the potential for the referee to card the opponent. Set pieces provide teams with the opportunity to score, and carding an opponent forces them to play with more caution. We have seen our fair share of flops during World Cup 2014 (remember Robben's epic "hop and flop" that resulted in a devastating, last minute loss for Mexico at the lands of the Dutch?), but what would it be like if people were to flop during their everyday activities? The guys over at Fourground Films have provided us with a video of how this might play out. The outcome is pretty hilarious. (ESPN also has a spectacular This is Sportscenter commercial featuring Abby Wambach poking fun at soccer players with the same concept.) Check out the original below: