A Man Who Left FIFA In Disgrace Will Sit On A Panel On FIFA Reform

Disgraced former FIFA President Sepp Blatter will be sitting on a panel at the University of Basel to discuss ways to reform FIFA. We're not cynical about it at all.
April 10, 2016

On April 15th, Sepp Blatter is going to appear on a panel at the University of Basel in Switzerland. The purpose of the panel? To discuss ways in which FIFA can reform. 

The panel will take place at the University of Basel. Photo @bevsackville | Twitter

We know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "Hey guys. I'm pretty sure there's a typo in your article, because I know that you're not talking about the same Sepp Blatter who has criminal proceedings against him, was banned from football for eight years and resigned from FIFA in disgrace, right? Right?." 

Uh...no. Sorry disembodied voice that I just made up. That is indeed who we are talking about. This is the same Sepp Blatter who has had accusations of bribery follow him through literally every election since his inaugural one in 1998, who was in charge while several of his lieutenants filled their pockets with bundles of FIFA cash, who oversaw several corrupt and mismanaged World Cup bids, who is currently the subject of a criminal investigation by the Swiss authorities and who has been banned for ethical violations by an independent FIFA ethics committee.  

This is also the same Sepp Blatter who said in response to homosexuality being illegal in Qatar that homosexuals should simply "refrain from sexual activities." Oh, and let's not forget his idea for attracting more interest for women's soccer: shorter shorts. The New York Times even put all his transgressions into a convenient timeline, so it's easy to keep track of.  

What? Why is everybody booing? Photo: @SInow | Twitter

It couldn't get any more ironic, right? Well actually...it could. Sepp Blatter will be appearing on the panel alongside the former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo. It's like some sort of weird sitcom pitch. 

So, let's recap. The guy whose fault it is that FIFA got so messed up in the first place is taking part in a discussion about how to fix said f**kups, alongside a prosecutor whose name has become synonymous with inaction thanks to his abysmal record at the International Criminal Court.

Sounds great guys. At the very least, the live Youtube stream will make for some good entertainment. 

H/T Fox Sports

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