Bad Ass Pitch Invader Makes 14 Security Guard Look Like Idiots

A kid wearing sunglasses, a T-shirt, and jeans runs past security guards so easily he should be drafted by the NFL.
April 19, 2016

I can’t believe that this bad ass pitch invader embarrasses security as badly as he does. I literally can’t believe it. There are three or four times in this video when I think to myself, “there is no way he should be able to get past all of these guys” and then he does. What are they feeding security guards in Russia? Concrete? 

We don’t know much about this video outside of what we can learn from its title. Honestly half of me thinks that this is all staged. How else can you explain this dude making two security guards run into themselves like two uncoordinated idiots at 0:06? That can’t happen in real life, can it?

Maybe the key to being a bad ass pitch invader is to wear sunglasses and a hat. That’s just about as logical as the rest of this video.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

H/T - Dirty Tackle