Amazing 10-Year-Old Can Juggle Literally Anything...With His Feet

This kid can do keepie-uppies with Rubik's Cubes, toy cars, paper towels and even DVDs. Don't act like you're not impressed.
January 20, 2015

Here at The18, we practice our ball-juggling relentlessly, never letting a spare minute escape that could otherwise be spent punting an inflated pig-skin up and down, up and down, up and... well, three's about our limit. 

Having struggled so long and hard, to fall so drastically short of kick-up perfection, imagine our disgust when we opened our computers to see this 10-year-old pip-squeek not only manage more than three keepie-uppies in a row, but do so with a dizzying array of household objects: paper towels, Rubik's cubes, DVDs and even cuddly toys.

Our begrudged congratulations to the little tyke for his ball/boot/bike helmet juggling repertoire.  

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