Abby Wambach Will Be The Honorary Starter For The Daytona 500

The USWNT star will wave the green flag in Daytona Beach next Sunday.
February 16, 2015

No two sports go together like soccer and NASCAR. OK, maybe there's actually not a lot of room for comparison here, but the two will overlap Sunday when Abby Wambach waves the green flag as the honorary starter of the Daytona 500.

Wambach will be joined by USWNT captain Christie Rampone, and also by Kelley O’Hara. This is clearly a positive for the world of soccer. If NASCAR lovers (not that there is anything wrong with being a NASCAR lover) can appreciate Abby Wambach’s greatness, surely that means the rest of the country is starting to catch on, right? After all, if soccer can win the NASCAR segment over, then there will be no stopping the soccer revolution from sweeping the country. And clearly the soccer revolution has already won the heart of one Ricky Bobby of Talladega Nights fame:

Ricky Bobby (a.k.a. Will Ferrell) is a known supporter of U.S. Soccer who crashed FanHQ at the 2014 World Cup (Photo: @Lugaco23 | Twitter)

As long as Wambach, Rampone and O’Hara don’t drop the flag when they try to wave it or anything, this will be a major P.R. victory for soccer in the United States. And, should that happen, much like Ricky Bobby, we'll likely find ourselves thanking Dear Lord Baby Jesus: