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7 Uncontrollable Things Every Soccer Player Will Experience

It doesn’t matter what team you are on, what position you play or if you are male or female, these seven things happen to the best of us. 

Turf Burns

It will sting. It will bleed. It will BURN.

Soccer Ball Imprints

Take your soccer ball with you wherever you go!

Awkward Tan Lines
Ugly Soccer Tan Lines

You won't be the only one with ugly tan lines...

@katiemoc13 | Twitter

You won't be the only one with ugly tan lines...

Ice Baths

Numbness from head to toe.

Smelly Soccer Bags

A combination of smelly shin guards, old socks and last night's rain.

Screaming Coaches, Players, Parents
Will Ferrell "coaching" with a cone.

Will Ferrell world's greatest coach?

@SloneScott |Twitter

Screaming coaches + screaming players + screaming parents = one big headache.

Head Steam

It happens more often than you think. 

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