Top 5 Soccer Apps Every Baller Needs To Train Smarter

Stay on top of your game virtually.
December 1, 2020

There are thousands of apps in the App Store and it can be difficult to find the best apps to help you remain on top of your game. As easy as it was to find Instagram, Facebook or to download TikTok, it can be that easy to find an app that will help you train, communicate with your team and overall assist you with your game. 

Here are just a few apps that can help level up your game:

5 Best Soccer Apps

1. Dribble Up

A fun, interactive way to train and compete against other players around the world. The Smart Soccer Ball connects with the app to track how many touches and skills you perform throughout each session. 

2. TeamSnap

An app to use so your team will never have to wonder when practice is, what jersey they have to wear or when the next game is. This team management app is an organized way to make sure everyone on your team is organized and in the loop of future events. 

3. Techne Futbol

Founded by former USWNT player Yael Averbuch, Techne is an app that comes with weekly training programs and tracks your progress. It's another way to take your game to the next level if practices and games are put on hold again. 

4. My Soccer Training

Founded by David Copeland-Smith, also known as founder of Beast Mode Soccer, this app helps level up your game and allows you to do workouts that the pros are doing. 

5. Nike Run App

Keep up your fitness and remain in shape with Nike workouts led by different instructors that guide you through long runs and workouts.