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He Wanted To Look Bad A** After His Red Card, Instead He Looked Like An Idiot

I would like to think that, had Dave Chappelle never went into an early retirement from comedy, his “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong” segment would have become a staple in American culture. With it’s timeless themes of “keeping it real” and “things going wrong,” “Keeping it real goes wrong, when” surely would have been found in an Encyclopedia years from now, right next to “Keeping it classy” and “Keeping it Disney.”

What those future encyclopedists would have chosen as their primary example, I have no idea. But, they would be hard pressed to find an example more relevant than poor Espen Hoff over the weekend. 

Hoff was sent off for the denial of a clear goal scoring opportunity, and he was angry. In the true spirit of keeping it real, he wanted to express his anger. Right sentiment; poor execution. He forgot he was wearing cleats, and that those cleats give him absolutely no grip on what looks like a linoleum floor.  

You can almost see the embarrassment sizzling off of him as he gets up and walks away.

Karma’s a b****, Espen. Think about that the next time you try and stop us innocent fans from seeing a goal scored.

Follow me on Twitter: @yelty

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