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Thomas Tuchel Is Out At Borussia Dortmund

Thomas Tuchel is out as Borussia Dortmund manager, the club announced Tuesday.

Tuchel was rumored to have been feuding with Dortmund's front office near the end of his second season in charge.

From a statement on the club's website:

BVB attaches great importance to the fact that the cause of the separation is by no means a disagreement between two persons. The well-being of the club Borussia Dortmund, which is much more than just sporting success, will always be more important than individuals and any differences that may exist between them.

Dortmund endured an up-and-down season this year, finishing third in the Bundesliga and bowing out of the Champions League in the quarterfinals against Monaco after a bomb attack on the team's bus injured defender Marc Bartra and scared the hell out of everyone else.

Tuchel will probably be a hot commodity this summer, while it will be interesting to see who Dortmund get to replace him. Sam Allardyce is available.

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