The Most Obvious Handball In World Cup History Went Unpunished

She caught the ball with two hands and then dropped it like a bad habit. The referee was apparently OK with that.
June 14, 2015

If it is hard out here for a pimp, then it must be truly cruel to be a defender. It’s their job to stand between some of the most talented people in the world and their goal: the goal. Needless to say, it doesn’t always end well. Defenders get nutmegged, dragged out of position, yelled at by fans and teammates alike, and lambasted by the media on a weekly basis. When they are good, people hardly notice them. It’s a thankless job.

So, in a way, that makes this next video a pleasure to watch. Bruna, a defender for Equatorial Guinea, has one of the biggest brain farts of all time, and gets away with it.  


Of all the places you would expect a player to be able to catch the ball with two hands and then drop it like nothing happened, and actually have nothing happen, the 6-yard box is not one of them. This is honestly one of the truly miraculous — wrong word — one of the truly bone-headed things you will ever see. The fact that it happened in the World Cup makes it more inexplicable.

That is, until you remember all of the unequivocal bullsh*t that defenders have to go through on a daily basis. Then, it just seems like downright karma.