Messi Stars In Awesome New Adidas Commercial

Adidas just released a video, "Unfollow," about making your own legacy, that stars Lionel Messi.
August 22, 2015

Adidas just made a really cool commercial with Messi, but the commercial's intended message will shock you.

Don't worship Messi, make your own path. That's what Adidas wants. Adidas is sick and tired of people worshipping the athletes it pays untold millions of dollars for in exchange for those athletes endorsing Adidas's products, and Adidas can't take it anymore. 

Just watch:

Adidas is, it appears, talking out of both sides of its mouth with this video. In this Adweek article, Adidas claims to want to showcase young athletes other than Messi, and get its audience to follow their own path.

This is, of course, not what Adidas wants at all, unless its business side is being run by marmosets, to borrow a line from Charlie Pierce. Adidas wants you to buy Messi's shoes (made by Adidas). Adidas wants you to buy Messi's Argentina jersey (made by Adidas), but not his Barcelona jersey (made by Nike).

It's telling that the only player mentioned by name in the video is Messi, and the only other character, the omnicient "next generation" representative, is not named or given a face. Make your own path, but do it with Adidas, like Messi. 

End of rant. Go back to worshiping Messi.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus