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Angry Player Throws Shoe At Ref ... Who Completely Deserves It

Barcelona just played Atletico Madrid in the Copa del Rey, and it was a clusterf*** fit for a king. That was honestly some of the worst refereeing that we have ever seen. As in, it overshadowed the fact that Fernando Torres scored, AGAIN!!!

Normally we are staunch defenders of referees. They have an incredibly hard job, and more often than not fans wrongly blame them for poor results. We know that referees don’t play favorites, and we guess they didn’t in this instance. But that is neither a saving grace nor the point. Equal opportunity incompetence is still incompetence.  

First, there was a completely blown call on a handball, after which Barcelona would counter and score.

Then there was a penalty for Madrid that was actually a foul outside of the box… 

And then the sideline referee hitting Barcelona’s Jordi Alba on the head. No, really, he hit him on the head.

And, of course, there were multiple yellow cards that should have been shown but weren’t. 

Needless to say, players on both sides were frustrated. That is why, in what shall perhaps go down as the craziest moment of this season, Arda Turan threw a shoe at a referee. He missed, badly, and was somehow only given a yellow - because of course he was - but he still threw a shoe at the referee. 

In that moment, every player loved Arda Turan, and then it passed and they all went back to hating the referees. 

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