What I’ve Learned From All The Hate Mail Supposed Carli Lloyd Fans Sent Me

I’m pretty used to getting hate mail these days. When you discuss human rights in relation to soccer, people get pretty upset and are not afraid to send anonymous emails spewing hatred toward me, which ironically proves my point more often than not. 

I’ve never gotten as much hate mail as I have this week when I reported on Carli Lloyd refusing to join her teammates in kneeling to protest the ongoing racial inequalities in the U.S. and around the world. 

Soccer Writers Across U.S. Rejoice At No Longer Having To Wake Up At 2 To Cover Games; Here’s What It Was Like

A single tear of joy trickled out of my eye Friday morning when the news appeared on my phone that Canada defeated Sweden to win the gold medal in women’s soccer. I wasn’t crying for the maple syrup queens; I was overwhelmed with happiness knowing I wouldn’t have to cover games in the middle of the night anymore.

Julie Ertz Is The Ultimate Badass For Her Showing In Japan

As the USWNT showcased one of its worst Olympic performances, it did walk away with a bronze medal, which is better than nothing. Although, it was expected to win it all, the USWNT fell short and struggled to outplay its opponents. Despite the team difficulties, one USWNT player overcame more than just struggling to win.

Concacaf Deserves Some Credit For Being The Best Confederation At The Olympics

Concacaf, the ragtag group of 41 soccer-playing nations and territories in North America, Central America and the Caribbean, can now definitively claim it is the best confederation in FIFA. With three medals from the 2020 Olympics, Concacaf is taking home more hardware than any other region.

We Tried These Totally Real PB&J Sandwiches From The 12 Countries Competing In Women’s Soccer This Summer

Twelve different countries are competing in women’s soccer this summer and are putting on one of the greatest shows ever seen. What if this clash of culture and competition was decided on the kitchen counter instead of the field? 

Trump On USWNT: ‘Woke Means You Lose’

Donald Trump has a theory on why the USWNT failed to win a gold medal at the 2020 Olympics. His team sent a statement out criticizing the U.S. women for winning the bronze medal after beating Australia in a highly entertaining 4-3 third-place match on Thursday.

Trump, who has been banned from most social media platforms, suggested the USWNT would have won gold if they hadn’t been so damn woke.

Estados Unidos Se Despide De Tokio Con Un Gol Olímpico De Rapinoe Y Un Amargo Bronce

El plan de Estados Unidos en Tokio era ganar el oro y así convertirse en la primera selección femenina en ser campeona del mundo (Francia 2019) y abrazar la gloria olímpica en un mismo ciclo. Sin embargo, al final del camino, el USWNT debió conformarse con el bronce.

Las razones del downgrade son varias: el envejecimiento del equipo, la falta de renovación, las excesivas rotaciones del entrenador Vlatko Andonovski y finalmente el hecho de que el equipo nunca hizo suficiente clic como para responder a las expectativas.

Megan Rapinoe’s Outrageous Olimpico Sends USWNT To Bronze Medal Consolation

Well now, that was a little closer to the USWNT Americans were hoping to see all tournament. A shame it only showed up in the bronze-medal match.

Carli Lloyd Refuses To Take Knee With Teammates Before Match

Carli Lloyd, it seems, is done being a good teammate. 

Lloyd, likely playing in her final tournament for her national team, was the only U.S. women’s national team player who did not take a knee before kickoff of the bronze-medal match against Australia on Thursday in Kashima, Japan. 
