
Ronaldinho Displays God-Like Link-Up Play During Friendly In Honduras

He came, he saw, he conquered (in the name of global peace). Ronaldinho partook in a friendly match for peace in Honduras on Sunday, and the 37-year-old played a remarkable role in the buildup to one of his side’s goals. While his ability to get up and down the pitch is gone, his preposterous touch and sense of invention remains world-class.

It was a peaceful, all-conquering trip to Central America for the Great ‘Dinho, expect for when one crazy stole his classic over-sized beanie.

Pele Gave Us Many Things, But The Bicycle Kick Isn’t One Of Them

We all know that Pele loves nothing more than a bit of Pele. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you spent over 50 years fielding questions exclusively about yourself to an adoring audience, you’d probably think you were the world’s greatest too. It's either that or you have a massive mental breakdown in the face of the enormity of the lie that is your life.

Messi, de 10 años de edad, era extrañamente bueno, de hecho, tan extraño como la película La Profecía

Sin ánimo de ofender a Lionel Messi, pero si tu hijo de 10 años empezara a hacer esto un día en el patio trasero, ¿pensarías "Caramba, el pequeño Jimmy seguro que muestra inclinación por el fútbol” o pensarías “Caramba, ¿el pequeño Jimmy puede ser literalmente la encarnación del Diablo”?

Basándome en una herencia genética familiar, más propensa a la locura que a la excelencia futbolística, optaría por lo último. Sin ánimo de ofender a Messi, pero si mi hijo hiciera esto, buscaría una extraña marca de nacimiento y pediría a mi sacerdote local las siete dagas de sacrificio. 

Casemiro Confirms That Zidane Is Still One Of Real Madrid’s Best Players

It's safe to say that Zinedine Zidane is aging remarkably well. The 45-year-old quickly transitioned from a Champions League winning player to a Champions League winning coach, and he looks as if he hasn’t aged a day in-between. He's got the kind of sideline presence that'll make your mom stop and stare at the television before saying something about how Americans are sure as s**t a lot fatter than Europeans.

Renato Sanches Summarizes His Own Career In Friendly vs. Arsenal

AC Milan have confirmed that they’re currently in talks with Bayern Munich regarding a possible two-year loan deal for 19-year-old Portuguese midfielder Renato Sanches with the option to sign him permanently for €40 million.

You Should Feel Sorry For These Poor Fools Who Were Destroyed By Lionel Messi Last Season

There’s something beautiful about watching Lionel Messi in action. It’s poetic, balletic and scintillating. The anticipation when he receives the ball brings butterflies to the stomach. The way he effortlessly skips by defenders and zips in shots from long range makes the heart sing. How he deftly controls a sharp pass with the outside of his left boot before depositing a shot into the lower corner tingles the senses like a romantic first kiss. 

But mostly, we just love seeing Messi embarrassing the sorry fools who try to stop him week after week.
