Serie A

It Turns Out There Is Such Thing As A Mario Balotelli Superfan

There are some crazy people out there, proper lunatics even, but we never understood how truly nutty people could be until today. The term "Mario balotelli superfan" is not used very often, for very obvious and very reational reasons. We, to be honest, did not think that such thing existed.

Then this turned up on Mario Balotelli's Instagram:

Why Mario Balotelli May Be The Worst Teammate Of All Time

There's not much we can say about Mario Balotelli that hasn't already been said. He set his house on fire by lighting fireworks off in his bathroom. He was arrested on suspicion of robbing his own house. He has crashed innumerable fancy cars.

That said, there's not much evidence of him doing horrible things to other people. Until now.

Paul Pogba Has Devoted Himself To The Dab With His Latest Haircut

Paul Pogba’s life has become increasingly centered around all things dab. Introducing the goal celebration to Italy’s Serie A simply wasn’t enough for the 22-year-old Juventus midfielder, and now he’s gone and stenciled the word into his haircut.

Francesco Totti Might Retire, The Footballing World Might Collapse

Francesco Totti’s wife of 10 years, Ilary Blasi, has revealed to an Italian weekly that the great man is preparing to announce his retirement from football after 24 illustrious seasons with A.S. Roma. 


With Totti turning 40 next year, and having been sidelined by injuries throughout much of 2015, Blasi is quoted as saying, "...right now he is desiring something else."

Player Drinks A Beer, Then Scores The Game Winning Goal.

Sometime you just need a beer. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, the beer won’t drink itself. There are plenty of excuses when it comes to knocking back a cold one, most of them aren’t very good. “Just drink it." How about that? Anyway, any old excuse seems like it will fit with Massimo Maccarone’s beer drinking celebration. 

CS Lebowski Is A Club Inspired By The Dude. For $21, You Can Be An Owner.

Located on the outskirts of the historic city of Florence in the picturesque hilly landscape of Tuscany, a club is redefining, or reintroducing, what the relationship between a team and their supporters can be.

Centro Storico Lebowski, spearheaded by a conglomerate of supporters fed up with "mod€rn" football and the growing disconnect between Italian clubs and their supporters, is founded on the prioritization of fan ownership, self-management and a bit of Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski.

This Woman Was Almost The Hottest Ref In Soccer. It Would Have Been Terrible

Claudia Romani doesn’t deserve your attention in a referee’s kit. In a bikini, sure. In a skin tight dress, yes. She’s a model, she gets paid for the attention that her looks garner. But I don’t care what tests or qualifications she may have passed; I don’t care if she would have been the hottest ref in soccer; this good looking woman is not a referee. She would have made a mockery of Seria A if she had been allowed to officiate a match.   

Everything You Need To Know About Paul Pogba

Paul Pogba was born March 15, 1993 in Langy-sur-Marne, Siene-et-Marne, France, about 50 miles north of Paris. Born to Guinean parents, he is the youngest of three, with two older twin brothers — Florentin and Mathias — who both ply their trade in football as well.

Your Serie A Guide: What You Need To Know About The Italian Top Flight

Serie A has been the top-flight tournament in Italian soccer for 86 years, and it has grown to be among the top leagues in the world. It boasts a tradition of great players and tough, defensive-minded play, but it has not been foreign to controversy and scandal. The 20 best team from “the boot” will fight for this year’s Scudetto, the country's top club honor. Here's your complete Serie A guide.
