
Footballers Could Actually Be At Greater Risk Of COVID-19, New Research Suggests

MANCHESTER, England — Research from Germany and Italy suggests that footballers and other athletes face a particular risk of the coronavirus infecting their lungs, raising major questions over attempts to restart professional soccer.

The research, produced by Italian immunologists and lung specialists based at institutes in Berlin, Rome and Verona, suggests that due to strenuous exercise, elite athletes are more likely to inhale virus particles and direct them to the lower areas of the lung.

Cómo entrenar como un profesional: El jugador profesional con 10 años de carrera, Jamie McGuinness, comparte su plan de entrenamiento

"Si el fútbol me ha enseñado algo es que puedes superar cualquier cosa si, y sólo si, amas algo lo suficiente." - Lionel Messi

Para Jamie McGuinness, el mantra de su vida siempre ha sido vivir sin arrepentimientos y hacerlo haciendo todo lo posible en cada uno y todos los días. Es una mentalidad que le sirvió bien en el curso de una carrera profesional de 10 años que comenzó a la edad de 16 años en el Luton Town en el Campeonato Inglés y continuó en América con temporadas en la PDL y la USL. 

Argentine Club Using Viagra To Combat Altitude — Yeah, Sure

Argentine club Unión de Santa Fe really wants to get past Ecuador’s Independiente del Valle in the first stage of the 2019 Copa Sudamericana. But are we really buying the club’s reasoning for using Viagra before the match?

The Unión-Independiente match will be played Wednesday evening at Estadio Olimpico Atahualpa, which is 9,350 feet above sea level. For comparison, Mile High Stadium in Denver is 5,280 feet above sea level, and I am writing this article at 5,328 feet. 

What Do 50,000 Used Beer Cups Look Like? A Beautiful White Football Pitch Thanks To Budweiser

Every four years, hundreds of thousands of fans descend upon a new country, laying waste to incomprehensible volumes of a pale, frothy liquid. The World Cup is a time to celebrate not just soccer, but humanity, and what better way than by consuming the same beverage many anthropologists believe to be impetus behind early mankind giving up its nomadic societies to create what we know today as civilization — beer. 

How To Make Efficient Substitutions According To Science

I have to go back to these subjects; I can’t help it. Soccer is a conservative sport in comparison to many others, based on beliefs and myths that might sound accurate but (most) have never been proven to be the most effective. Soccer is an old-school guy that hates change and does a lot of stuff simply because “it's always been done like that.”

Motivation Vs. Emotional Activation: What’s Wrong With Al Pacino’s 'Any Given Sunday' Speech

“Come on Pablo! You can’t touch that speech! It’s glorious; have some respect!”

Please don't hate me; I know we all love Al Pacino's speech from "Any Given Sunday." I do too. In fact, it still gives me the goosebumps every time I see it.

¿Los jugadores de fútbol usan copas, y eso ayudaría?

¿Los jugadores de fútbol usan copas? Es una pregunta simple con una respuesta simple, así que tal vez la pregunta debería ser reformulada: ¿Por qué los jugadores de fútbol masculinos no usan copas?

Una copa es una pieza de equipo protector que se usa al practicar ciertos deportes para proteger a un jugador con órganos reproductivos masculinos de lesiones o dolor al recibir contacto con la zona de la ingle. Normalmente son piezas de plástico duro, pero también pueden ser de la variedad más blanda y maleable. 
