
PSA: The United States Will Not Play Ghana At The 2018 World Cup

For those looking forward to turning on their television sets in late June to get a glimpse of the comforting quadrennial event that is the United States versus Ghana, you’ll be shocked to discover that the World Cup will no longer feature a clash of the old enemies. Tragically, a rivalry dating back to time immemorial has been scuppered. 

Watch America’s Guido Rodriguez Kick Rubens Sambueza In The Face

We all know breakups can be tough. One day everything is hunky-dory, next thing you know your sweet heart leaves you and you're faced with running into them in public. 

So what do you do? Greet them naturally? Pretend you don’t see them? Stare at them, tears in your eyes, for 90 minutes? Club America opted to kick their ex-star in the face.

That’s right. Former Club America star Rubens Sambueza was wildly kicked in the face by his compatriot Guido Rodriguez.

Watch Josh Windass Take Out His Own Manager With An Epic Slide Tackle

The Old Firm is always lit, and this weekend's contest was no exception. Celtic won, sure, but the play of the game was undoubtedly Rangers midfielder Josh Windass' slide tackle on his own manager, Pedro Caixinha.

The two shared a laugh afterward, but we can't help but wonder if Windass will have to run a few extra wind sprints in training this week.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to go back to giggling like schoolchildren at the name "Windass".

Esteban Granero Thought Pique Was F**king With Him When Introducing 15-Year-Old Messi

A recent interview with Espanyol midfielder Esteban Granero by Spanish daily El Pais has revealed a hilarious and insightful anecdote involving a 15-year-old Lionel Messi and a clash between the youth teams of Real Madrid and Barcelona.

That New Player Your Club Signed Sucks

Confirmation bias — the human tendency to solely interact with information that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs while simultaneously firebombing any real sort of learning or personal growth — has long been a massive hinderance to humanity.

How To Cope With Knowing Real Madrid Are Going To Win La Liga

Real Madrid are going to win La Liga. It's better to come to terms with this now so you can actually enjoy the season. If you go into the season thinking someone else might have a chance and Real Madrid open up a 10-point lead by Christmas, you are going to be disappointed. So ward off the disappointment. Barcelona are depleted and Atletico Madrid are plucky but outgunned. Real Madrid are going to win La Liga.

This is fine! Lots of people enjoy the Bundesliga even though they know Bayern Munich are going to win. You can still enjoy the season even if you know how it ends already.

It’d Be Disrespectful To Say Neymar-Less Barcelona Are Even Close To Real Madrid

Real Madrid’s 5-1 aggregate victory over Barcelona in the Spanish Super Cup wasn’t a Real marker, it was a proclamation: player for player, this is the strongest squad in the history of the game. No player on Real Madrid is irreplaceable, every player on Real Madrid is valued because they’re sensational.
