How Will El Tri Fare With Carlos Vela Hurt?
Carlos Vela tore his meniscus, which means he is likely out for Mexico's next three games. How will they do? We turn to FIFA 15 to find out.
Carlos Vela tore his meniscus, which means he is likely out for Mexico's next three games. How will they do? We turn to FIFA 15 to find out.
With identical records after the group stage, Mali and Guinea were forced to draw lots to determine who progressed to the quarterfinals. Aren't there more entertaining ways to decide these things?
Luis Figo is going to run for FIFA President, attempting to end the corrupt and controversial reign of Sepp Blatter. He is going to need all the help he can get.
There’s no two ways about it. The 2022 Qatar World Cup is a disaster. The topic is one that we’ve payed close attention to here at The18, especially the human working conditions, which are pretty much akin to modern day slavery. According to the International Trade Union, an estimated 4,000 people will die building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup given the current rate of on-the-job deaths, and it seems like no one is doing anything about it.
As first reported by The18 yesterday, in the least surprising news since The Pope admitted to a fondness for Jesus, FIFA’s investigation into alleged corruption and improper conduct during the 2018/2022 World Cup Bidding Process has cleared the successful Qatar 2022 and Russia 2018 bid teams of any wrong-doing.
Pelé es una leyenda. No hay duda de ello, independientemente de si crees que es el mejor jugador de todos los tiempos.
Las leyendas del deporte, sin embargo, normalmente tienen que lidiar con un grado mucho menor de rumores en la crónica de su carrera. La historia de la vida de Pelé nunca cambiará de boca en boca tanto como, por ejemplo, la de Beowulf, pero como este próximo vídeo mostrará, eso no significa que la carrera de la estrella de fútbol no tenga su justa cuota de, bueno, historias.
It's been clear since Jürgen Klinsmann's final selection of the USMNT for Brazil 2014 - and, infamously, his exclusion of American star Landon Donovan - that he has an eye to the future. And that future is building U.S. Soccer into a powerhouse.
It has been three-and-a-half years since FIFA president Sepp Blatter awarded Qatar the 2022 FIFA World Cup.