It’s Time For America To Reclaim Football From The NFL

You’ll likely be aware that the great majority of people on this planet refer to the beautiful game, that noblest of sports, not as soccer, but football. You’re also probably up to speed on the fact that soccer is in fact a long-since-abandoned piece of British slang, principally used by public (read: posh) school boys in 19th century England to distinguish football from their true love: rugby.

The Groundspeople Painted All The Lines Right In Seattle

Two things stood out during the MLS Western Conference final first-leg in between the Rapids and the Sounders in Seattle. First, the lines on the field were markedly straight and where they were supposed to be in relation to the other lines on the field. Said lines did not need to be redrawn or painted over in a manner that would cause the game to be delayed. The lines marking the 18-yard box were particularly well-measured.

MLS Cup Conference Final Delayed Because Nobody Could Measure The 18-Yard Box

The Montreal Impact changed from their normal home venue, the Saputo Stadium, to the Olympic Stadium for their 2016 MLS Cup Eastern Conference Final, and it looked like a stroke of genius. Instead of playing in front of 20,801 supporters, the Impact raised the attendance for Tuesday night’s first-leg match to over 61,000.

Unfortunately, the Olympic Stadium’s grounds crew wasn’t on the same page. 

Zlatan Believes He Can Eclipse Napoleon By Conquering America

Zlatan Ibrahimovic frequently plays at being a conquerer, emperor and god while discussing his career. He’s discussed how his favorite movie is Gladiator, because he feels that, like Maximus Decimus Meridius, he will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

“That’s how I felt, or wanted to feel,” said Ibrahimovic in his book, I Am Zlatan. “I wanted to stand up to the whole world and show everybody who’d doubted me who I really was, and I couldn’t imagine anyone who’d be able to stop me.”

Everything You Need To Know About The 2016 MLS Cup Conference Finals

It's been 15 grueling, agonizingly long days since we last saw the MLS Playoffs. The international break served as a welcome rest for some teams, while it was a frustrating gap for others — especially the fans. Tonight, the Conference Finals kick off. Here is a breakdown of each match and what you need to know. 

2016 MLS Eastern Conference Finals

A New Study Outlines The Positives Of Having Promotion And Relegation In US Soccer

A new study from Deloitte, one of the “Big Four” accounting firms in the world by revenue, has offered up some pretty obvious conclusions with regards to implementing a system of promotion and relegation in the American soccer pyramid, but it’s also provided one of the more realistic takes on the possible benefits and risks involved.

Ronaldinho Is Reportedly Looking To Play In The MLS Next Season

Believe it or not, this time it doesn’t seem to be a joke: Ronaldinho might be headed to the Major League Soccer. 

Rumors have been flying around ever since the legendary midfielder became a free agent, but until now that was all they were: rumors. 

The first bit of solid news on Ronaldinho’s future came in curious fashion, as Brazilian journalist Andre Hernan tweeted that the 2005 Balon d’Or winner wouldn’t be joining Brazilian side Sao Paulo.

5 MLS Players Who Would Survive In "The Walking Dead"

With "The Walking Dead" once again gracing our television screens, it felt appropriate to tie in some interesting comparisons to the weird world of football. Although the likes of Ronaldo and Messi don't exactly fight hordes of the undead on a daily basis, there are some players that you'd have to back when it comes to fighting off walkers in a post apocalyptic world.

Now, we aren't saying that any of these men even remotely come close to the likes of Rick Grimes or Daryl Dixon, but they'd certainly not be too concerned with getting blood on their hands.

Los Angeles FC Are Determined To Take The MLS By Storm

Unlike previous MLS expansions, Los Angeles FC isn’t just looking to become an American success, but instead the club wants to make a global impact. The MLS expansion team will join the league at the start of the 2018 season, and already has 10 players targeted as they look to make the most of the league’s three designated player allowances. 

Will Mario Balotelli And Sebastian Giovinco Ever Get Back To The Italian National Team?

As international football heaves its bloated corpse over the horizon of our collective attentions, trying to find any kernel of interest becomes increasingly tough. Because of this, we have the British Isles wrestling with the political absurdity of trying to cram as many poppies as possible into one fixture, Lionel Messi hoping that colouring in his tattoos will help Argentina win in Brazil, someone called Radamel Falcao starting to scoring goals again and a certain section of North London declaring war on the sovereign state of Chile due to the possibility of one man’s muscle tear.
