
Chicharito Continues Fine Form With Brace In The German Cup

Chicharito has been going off lately. He had a brace in Bayer Leverkusen's draw against Roma in the Champions League last week, scored again in the Bundesliga this weekend, and now he's gone and done it again with a brace in Bayer's German Cup game.

Juan Carlos Osorio Has Everything He Needs To Succeed With Mexico

Mexico's national team has a new commander in chief. After months of uncertainty and many possible candidates, FEMEXFUT decided to bet on a Colombian coach by the name of Juan Carlos Osorio, a decision that was questioned by all, fans and media that preferred to have a big star or, at least, a known character in the bench of their national team.

Chicharito Brace Helps Bayer Leverkusen In Crazy UCL Game

Chicharito's tenure at Bayer Leverkusen seems to be going well so far. He added two goals to his season tally and Leverkusen walked away with a point against Roma in the Champions League, thanks largely to the Chicharito brace. Chicharito's two goals put Bayer up 2-0, but Roma stormed back to go up 4-2. Then it was Bayer's turn to come back, tying the game up 4-4, where it ended.

Miguel Herrera Might Be The Next USMNT Manager, But Probably Not

Jurgen Klinsmann’s USMNT squad has lost its last two games, including one very important defeat against Mexico in which the lost the chance to play in the Russia 2017 Confederations Cup.

Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo: 50 años de uniformes de la Copa Mundial de México

Lo que viste un hombre dice mucho de él, o eso dicen. Si eso es cierto, podemos aprender mucho al examinar los uniformes de la Copa Mundial de México de los últimos 50 años.

En un partido de la Copa del Mundo con tantos elementos involucrados, muchos buscan inspiración en la camiseta de su selección nacional.

Chucho Benitez Died A Club America Great. This Video Lets Us Remember How Good He Was.

Christian "Chucho" Benitez left us too soon. On July 13, 2013 he entered a hospital in Doha, Qatar with abdominal pains. He never left.

We will probably never know what happened in that hospital, and his cause of death has been disputed.

What is not in dispute is that Chucho Benitez was a great player. He played the game with a joy that is rarely seen, exuding an infectious energy all around the pitch. 

This Fan Brawl At USA Vs. Mexico Lived Up To The Hype

Great teams raise their games when the stakes are highest. So do great fanbases. So do great fighters. So do members of great fanbases who are also great fighters, or at least willing fighters.

This is what happened Saturday in the Rose Bowl during the USA vs. Mexico match. The game itself was one of the most exciting clashes in recent memory. It was made even more exciting for the select few fans who got to be near/participate in this brawl.

Este fan de México acaba de hacer el disfraz de fan más grande de todos los tiempos

Los aficionados al fútbol son un grupo apasionado, pero, como en todos los grupos, hay quienes se destacan por encima del resto. Estos fanáticos llevan sus pasiones a niveles completamente inauditos.

Tome a este hombre, por ejemplo. No sabemos dónde encontró el tiempo y desarrolló las habilidades para hacer ese disfraz, pero es increíble. Ese disfraz probablemente cueste más dinero (si se incluye la mano de obra) que un boleto para el juego en el que lo usó.

Mexican Fans Had A Donald Trump Pinata At The Game Saturday

Donald Trump is in the media a lot, and a lot of those times he's in the media because of something he said about Mexico/Mexican people/immigration that lots of people found offensive.

Because of this, Mexican TV station TV Azteca made a commercial with Donald Trump to pump up fans for the CONCACAF Cup final last Saturday.

Paul Aguilar Celebrated His Goal By Diving Head-First Into A Wall

After the goal he scored Saturday, Paul Aguilar can celebrate however he wants. He scored the biggest goal in one of the biggest games of the year for his country, and that gives him a significant amount of leeway in terms of whether or not we make fun of his goal celebration. 

And, it appears to us, Aguilar was so deliriously happy after the goal that he lost all sense of reason/safety/self-preservation. 
