
12 Times Ronaldinho Was Obviously Cheating

Ronaldinho could’ve been sent off hundreds of times in his career for unsporting behavior. Blessed with otherworldly control and technique, the Brazilian would frequently contort the rules of the game for his own benefit. It wasn’t fair, nobody else could or can do it now, but he got away with it because he was a god. As we all know, life has two great questions: 1.) Is there a heaven? 2.) How did Ronaldinho get this good?

Let’s Kick Gingerism Out Of Football

According to the ScotlandsDNA project, only 0.6% of the world’s population has red hair. Chances are, you’ve known a few gingers in your life, and maybe you’ve even taken a moment to stop calling them Carrot Top, Mr/Ms Weasley, Chucky, Big Red, Ginger Balls and/or Strawberry Shortcake and gotten to know them as unique individuals that aren’t defined by the color of their drapes, you damn bully.

Los porteros con la mayor cantidad de porterías en cero de la historia del fútbol

Los porteros, para parafrasear un dicho popular, están locos. Son los delanteros los que se llevan la gloria, y la mayoría de las veces son los porteros los que tienen que cargar con la culpa. Es una tarea ingrata y solitaria que casi nunca favorece al hombre o la mujer entre los palos. Sin embargo, estos individuos han deslumbrado con su habilidad para mantener al equipo contrario fuera del marcador. Estos son los porteros con las mejores marcas en las diferentes competiciones.

11 Footballers And Their Hilarious Cartoon Lookalikes

From The Simpsons to Charlie Brown and Shrek to Tarzan, we've compiled a list of footballers who may or may not have been the insipriation behind these characters. Take a look at the 11 footballers who most look like cartoon characters. 

How To Do The 10 Best FIFA 17 Celebrations

Scoring in FIFA is one of the best feelings in the world, especially against your roommate or friend. Doing a cheeky celebration is the icing on the cake. Footballers are known for their iconic celebrations, such as Ronaldinho's hang loose, Pogba's dabbing, Ronaldo's jump and Gareth Bale's heart. The developers at FIFA have done the world a favor by letting users choose whatever celebration they want to extend the glory. Here are the top ten FIFA 17 celebrations and how to perform them.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for thrown controllers and broken friendships.

Footballers With The Most Team Trophies

Winning trophies is something every world footballer wants. It is a pride to contribute to your team’s success. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are among the world’s most successful footballers in the modern era. However, neither is the world’s most decorated player when it comes to footballers with the most trophies (based on the numbers of trophies won for their teams, not individual honors). In fact, Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't even make this list, with only 22 team trophies.

18 cosas que experimenta cada jugador de fútbol

Jugar fútbol es participar en una comunidad global de experiencias compartidas. Todos vemos partidos, absorbemos los métodos y estilos de otros y hablamos un idioma universal, el idioma del juego que amamos. Al igual que todo en la vida, el fútbol tiene sus fases, tiene sus altibajos, pero no lo cambiaríamos por nada, porque al final, el fútbol siempre nos ha dado más.

Aquí están 18 cosas que muestran que tenemos más cosas en común que cosas que nos dividen. 

The Stages Of Finals Week As Told By Cristiano Ronaldo

Ah, finals...every student’s favorite time of the year, also known as hell week. It’s a time when all your teachers decide to test you on everything you may or may not have learned over the semester. A time when your stress increases and your sleep decreases.

Teachers expect you to put their class at the top of your priority list even though you have a million other things to do and worry about. But, we’ve all been there before, and in order to get to where we want to be, we must prove that we can succeed under pressure. 

10 Reasons To Get Excited About Newcastle United's Promotion

After a year away from the spotlight (unless you include Jonjo Shelvey’s ban for racially abusive language, rumors of a fallout between Rafa Benitez and the boardroom over a lack of January spending and some other stuff), Newcastle United are back in the big leagues. We know you all missed the never-ending soap opera that is Newcastle, don't pretend you didn't.

For me, August can’t come soon enough, and you should be excited too. Here are 10 reasons to be stoked over the Toon’s return to the Premier League.

MLS Rankings Of Power: Week Seven

We’re about a quarter of the way through the MLS regular season (some teams have played eight, some seven and some six, so who really knows) but can we safely say we’re a quarter of the way towards discovering the most oomph-inducing force in the majorest of major leagues? I think so, and, I’ve got to say, things are shaping up better than I ever could’ve imagined. 
