
The 10 Best Soccer Stocking Stuffers For Christmas (2020 Guide)

Soccer stocking stuffers are a necessity on Christmas for any family with soccer players or fans living in the household. 

The items that fall into the soccer stocking stuffers category can be a little niche. These items aren’t necessarily big enough to be gifts (which The18 also has a guide for). Instead of buying large items, here are ten of the best soccer knick-knacks for Santa to put into the stockings on Christmas Eve.

Top Holiday Gifts To Get Your Lady Baller For The Holidays

The holiday season is approaching and as online shopping is taking over how will you find the perfect gift without physically seeing it? Luckily, almost everything can be found online with a simple Google search. You can buy the perfect gift for your lady baller or football fan at the click of a button, and to help you out here is a list of top things you can get that will have your special footballer love you forever. 

Best Gifts For Lady Ballers

#1. NWSL Gear

The Best Masks To Wear To Work Out

As COVID cases are rising and working out with a mask has become the new norm, different athletic brands have released masks that are comfortable to work out in. As the holiday season is approaching, masks are now considered a gift people will appreciate. Wearing cloth masks or the surgical masks may not be the most breathable masks to run or play in, but here are some masks that will allow you to breath and stay safe while working out. Plus they can be a great stocking stuffer for any baller.

A Complete Holiday Gift Guide For The Goalkeeper In Your Life

The old cliche about goalkeepers being unique and slightly crazy is a bit overused at this point, but any goalkeeper will tell you that it still holds true. The same can be said of gifts for goalkeepers — they're a bit different.

Fancy cleats and new Premier League jerseys just aren't sensible when half the time you come home stained in blood and/or mud. No, Goalkeepers need more functional gifts that will help get them through the season.

This Surprisingly Cheap Star Wars Foosball Table Is Perfect For Days Stuck Inside

There’s nothing worse than a day stuck inside when all you want to do is go out and play soccer with your friends. Whether it’s rain, cold or a pandemic, being deprived of playing the beautiful game creates a macabre mood all around the house. But with a Star Wars foosball table, life might be just a little easier.

Desperate for ways to enjoy soccer in any way possible, we recently stumbled across a slew of Star Wars foosball tables available online from Hathaway Games. And they’re surprisingly cheap. 

Los mejores regalos para jugadores de fútbol y aficionados de The18

Si eres como nosotros, tal vez no seas el donante de regalos más informado del mundo. Quizás sea unos días antes de las vacaciones. Tal vez el cumpleaños de tu sobrino se acerca rápidamente y necesitas algo, cualquier cosa, para él. Bueno, no te preocupes. Te tenemos cubierto. Siempre que lo que estés buscando sea una lista de los mejores regalos de fútbol que el dinero puede comprar. Si no, has venido al lugar equivocado, amigo, y te deseamos la mejor de las suertes en tu búsqueda.

The 18 Best Soccer Gifts For Kids (2019-2020 Guide)

Soccer is increasingly a young person’s game. More and more focus is being put on youth soccer to create the next Lionel Messi, Christian Pulisic or Mallory Pugh. So what do you give as a gift for the budding soccer star in your life? We here at The18 have put together a list of the 18 best soccer gifts for kids to answer just that question.

‘G Is For Golazo’ More Than Just A Cool Children’s Book

Finding a good soccer children's book can be difficult for true fans of the beautiful game. You want something easily accessible for a youngster, but you don’t want something condescending or trifling.

Fortunately, there’s “G is for Golazo: The Ultimate Soccer Alphabet,” a kid’s picture book released Tuesday by Triumph Books. 

“G is for Golazo” is a follow-up to “B is for Baller,” a similar idea for basketball. In this soccer children's book, author James Littlejohn pulls into more than 100 years of soccer references to go through the English alphabet.
