
Why The World Cup Trophy Is By Far And Away The Most Valuable In All Of Sports

When it comes down to the raw material value of the most iconic trophies in sports, nothing comes close to the authentic FIFA World Cup Trophy. Standing at 14.5 inches, weighing 13.6 pounds and made up of 18-karat gold and semi-precious malachite, the one-of-a-kind World Cup Trophy has a value of $20,000,000.

How much is the World Cup Trophy worth

This Is What Promotion And Relegation Would Look Like In American Sports

Every season brings a new sense of hope and fear for fans across the world. For some supporters and teams, the quest to be promoted to the top flight of football is the main goal. For others, the fear of getting relegated to a lesser league looms. 

The New York Knicks And Arsenal Share An Amazing Thirst For Failure

As I followed the fortunes of both Arsenal and the New York Knicks this season, I realized I had seen this movie before. The two organizations struggled through campaigns that mirrored each other. Fans of each team have experienced similar trauma over the past decade and the similarities became uncanny this year. 

What If Soccer Was Scored Like Tony Hawk Pro Skater?

Okay, before we get started here, put this song on. It's a jam.

Okay, now you’re in the zone.

Are you tired of that one friend who ruins soccer spectating? You know the one, the person that constantly complains about a lack of scoring and sees the low accumulation of point totals as some kind of irrefutable condemnation of the sport. Yeah, that jagoff.
