
Watching Lionel Messi Training Will Make Your Heart Smile In Time For Valentine’s Day

You’d think we’d get tired of endless videos of Lionel Messi making opponents look silly in matches. Maybe you’d be right (not really, but just go with me for a minute). So to switch it up, here’s a Messi training video of the Argentinian making his own teammates look silly in practice. 

Ivo Rodrigues Broke Geometry With This Insane Finish

This is the sort of goal players score in practice against a goalkeeper who is only sort of paying attention, then post on Instagram and get like a bajillion likes (or faves, or whatever the currency for post popularity is on Instagram. I am not on Instagram), only Ivo Rodrigues did it in a game.

Rodrigues, a Portuguese winger on loan at Royal Antwerp in Belgium from Porto, scored that goal in a league match against Oostende (Royal Antwerp won, 4-3) near the end of August, and it just won Belgium's Goal of the Year award. Deserved, we think.
