
PSA: Soccer And Power Lines Do Not Mix

What happens when you smash a clearance straight into some power lines? It’s a thought we’ve all had while playing on a rural pitch that has the conductors running along the sidelines. However, it’s a tantalizing question that few of us have ever acted upon — not even our resident scientist, who got his PhD in soccer science from Johnny Hopkins, knew the answer to this one.

Remembering The Time Mexico Beat The U.S. In One Of The Biggest Upsets In Women’s Soccer History

An upset in sports is a tale of the split-screen day. One team — the emboldened underdog — rides the highest of highs, storming the field and reveling in its victory as it has just pulled off the seemingly impossible. The other team — the deflated heavyweight — is humbled and humiliated, slumping off into the locker room and being forced to grapple with a reality it had never considered. 

November 5, 2010, was one of those split-screen days.

Mexico, the emboldened underdog. The United States, the deflated heavyweight.
