
Who will win the Golden Boot at the 2022 World Cup?

The 2022 World Cup Golden Boot odds leave a lot of room for debate as the tournament sees Ballon d'Or finalists like Karim Benzema, Kylian Mbappé, Robert Lewandowski, Harry Kane, Vinícius Júnior and Sadio Mané all vying for the prestigious individual award that awaits the competition's top scorer.

Some big names won't be with us in Qatar after qualifying failure (Norway's Erling Haaland, Egypt's Mohamed Salah, Sweden's Zlatan Ibrahimović), but we've also got the usual suspects like Neymar, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to consider.

Qatar is planning to conscript civilians for World Cup security this winter

DOHA — Qatar has called up hundreds of civilians, including diplomats summoned back from overseas, for mandatory military service operating security checkpoints at World Cup stadiums, according to a source and documents seen by Reuters.

The deployment of conscripts, some of whom would normally defer national service because their work is considered vital, highlights the logistical challenge faced by the tiny Gulf Arab state hosting one of the world's biggest sports tournaments.

El equipo con que México planea enfrentar a Perú

La última fecha FIFA antes del Mundial de Catar 2022 está en curso y México se prepara para medir fuerzas ante Perú.

Ante la cercanía de la Copa del Mundo – se inicia el próximo 20 de noviembre – ya no hay mucho tiempo para experimentos y va siendo hora de apretar tuercas e ir afinando los últimos detalles para un torneo en que el Tri deberá enfrentar a Argentina, Arabia Saudita y Polonia en fase de grupos.

Por lo mismo, ante Perú, veremos a varios de los jugadores que estarán en la lista final de Gerardo Martino.

Gareth Bale says he's on ‘good path’ to World Cup despite never going 90 minutes for LAFC

Wales captain Gareth Bale said he is on a "good path" towards full fitness ahead of the World Cup in Qatar, despite not completing a full game since joining Los Angeles FC in June.

Bale signed for the Major League Soccer club after leaving Real Madrid, where he struggled with injury in his last few seasons. He has made only two starts in his 11 appearances for LAFC, scoring twice.

Cuatro candidatos para tres cupos: Tata Martino habló de los delanteros que llevará al Mundial

Gerardo Martino habló. En la previa de los amistosos de la selección mexicana ante Perú y Colombia, el entrenador del Tri dio sus impresiones sobre los rivales que tendrá el combinado nacional durante la próxima fecha FIFA, pero mucho de la conversación en realidad se centró en los jugadores que llevará a la Copa del Mundo y en especial los centrodelanteros que piensa tener a disposición en Catar.

De todo lo que dijo hay dos conclusiones claras:

¿Qué Diablos Le Pasa A Raúl Jiménez?

Wolverhampton anunció que Raúl Jiménez no estará disponible este fin de semana para el duelo del club ante Manchester City. ¿La razón? Está lesionado.

De acuerdo al reporte médico del club inglés, la ausencia de RJ9 se debe a algo relacionado con "la ingle y los aductores". Y si bien no se expande mucho más, se asegura que el jugador está en proceso rehabilitación y que "tomará algunas semanas".

World Cup Stadium Trial Turns Into Nightmare For Overheated Fans Stuck In Long Lines Without Water

DOHA - "Stop! Can't you see the metro station is full? Stop!" a frazzled supervisor shouted as green-vested marshals linked arms to contain thousands of fans streaming from the stadium that will host soccer's World Cup final in Qatar.

It was after midnight on Friday and, for hours, nearly 78,000 people had been filing out of the stadium after a near-capacity match tested the small Gulf state's readiness for the tournament, which kicks off on Nov. 20.

The World Cup Is The Biggest, Greatest Sporting Event On The Planet — Just Ask Your Customers And Employees

This holiday season, for a 28-day period beginning Nov. 20 and ending with the final on Dec. 18, the FIFA World Cup is going to captivate the United States to a degree never before seen in the tournament’s 92-year history.

Instead of the usual talk of politics at the Thanksgiving table, get ready to listen to grandma wax lyrical about the strength of the Spanish midfield and the overlooked quality of Serbia’s attack as the national conversation turns global while the world's greatest sporting event unfolds in Qatar.

Americans Abroad: 3 Players Ready For Qatar And 2 Who Look Lost

Another week, another opportunity to explore the depths to which I will exploit recency bias. Is Leadership Council member Christian Pulisic really being left off the plane or is that just a crutch for article formatting? Is Jesse Marsch a traitor to his nation for taking off Brenden Aaronson before full-time? Is Joe Scally the defensive infiltrator we've been having sleepless nights about?

It's only 25 days until the USMNT plays a friendly against Japan in Germany, and Gregg Berhalter has to answer these questions.
