Premier League

Manchester United Should Sign Diego Simeone: The New Sir Alex Ferguson

Louis Van Gaal and his lads from Lancashire have had nothing but bad luck. A barrage of injuries to everyone from captain Wayne Rooney, best player David De Gea, and pretty much every United defender, has left Van Gaal’s side in Europe’s second-tier cup and without hope of a top four finish at home. Van Gaal will not have a job by June and Jose Mourinho is the man set to replace him.

But is United making the right choice?

Louis Van Gaal Wants His Players To Get Horny

Louis van Gaal wants his players to be horny for the Europa League. Seriously. Here's the man himself.

Brendan Rodgers Is Getting Married (And Not To Joe Allen)

Brendan Rodgers proposed to his girlfriend in Times Square. She said yes. This is undeniably happy news for the former Liverpool boss, but it closes the book on one of the greatest Premier League romances of all time: Brendan Rodgers and Joe Allen.

A Typo Allowed This Man To Earn An Extra $21,000 A Week For Years

Over the course of a 13-year professional career, Jimmy Bullard appeared for 8 different clubs across the English football league system. Due to a contractual misprint, the most lucrative stint of his professional career came during his time with Hull City. 

Manchester United Conspiracy Theorists Are The Best Kind Of Conspiracy Theorists

Everybody, listen up! We have Manchester United boardroom power struggle gossip to pass along!

In a series of Tweets, Manchester United fan organization Red Issue (which we have no idea as to its credibility) laid out what they believe is going down behind the scenes at Old Trafford. 

If this stuff is true, hoo boy. If not, it's still an entertaining fantasy.

Manchester United Conspiracy

It Appears Mansfield Town Have A Player Who Isn't Housetrained

Mansfield Town player Adi Yussuf is alleged to have done a thing that would have gotten him on the sex offender list in the United States. 

From the Plymouth Herald:

A fan, who wished to remain anonymous, got in contact with Herald Sport to tell us what they saw.

It's Time To Put Aston Villa Down

Sigh. We knew this day would come, we just didn't think it would come so soon. We saw the signs early. You could see Aston Villa losing steam near the end of last season. It looked to be better when it beat Liverpool in the FA Cup, but we're starting to think that was Villa's last burst of energy.

Things have taken a turn for the worse this season. Villa have earned only 16 points so far this season, well below even the other relegation candidates.

18 Things You Can Do Instead Of Watching Manchester United

Manchester United loanee and soon-to-be-reject Nick Powell admitted that he forgot to watch his parent club's utterly pathetic 2-1 defeat to Midtjylland. According to Powell, he was too immersed in playing FIFA, and completely missed the match. 

Good Riddance, John Terry

John Terry is a dick.

This is not a particularly controversial opinion to have, more of an accepted notion that pretty much everyone on earth who is not a Chelsea supporter believes (and even the Chelsea supporters know this, deep down in the bowels of their consciousnesses.)

Why is John Terry a dick? To borrow a line from the United States Declaration of Independence, we hold this truth to be self-evident. I mean, just look at the guy.

10 Moments That Made This Soccer Weekend Awesome

What a fantastic weekend of soccer. So many brilliant goals, so many talking points. We compiled a list of ten of the best moments from the weekend, in no particular order. 

10. Dutch club walks out with lingerie models instead of kids.

Best Moments From The Weekend
