
Gumby Hits A Banger From Too Far Out

If we had the resources, I would’ve recreated this goal in clay animation, but our clay animation studio is not finished yet. We are sending Sam Klomhaus out to procure clay so I can begin.

Marcel Schafer’s leg just reminds me of Gumby. I’ve never seen a leg move like that and not been sick to my stomach at the outcome. He’s got Gumby ligaments or ligaments like Street Fighter’s Dhalsim. 

Help, Mario Balotelli's Shoes Are Too Tight

Mario Balotelli missed the first two minutes of Nice vs. Nantes because his shoes were too tight. I'll admit, I thought a video titled "Balotelli suffers bizarre wardrobe malfunction" would be a lot more interesting. Still, we much take what we can get.

(Editor's note: This is the perfect excuse to leave this here:)
