Megan Rapinoe

¿Alguien Le Ganará A Estados Unidos? El Fútbol Femenino Comienza En Los JJ.OO Y Te Contamos Cómo Verlo

A menos que haya una suspensión de última hora, debido a los problemas derivados de la Covid-19, los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio comienzan a vivirse este martes 20 de julio con la fase de grupos del softball, deporte que debuta en la cita de los anillos.

Luego viene el fútbol. ¡Siuuuu!

Como las Olimpíadas son en Japón, el gran debate en tu cabeza será ver los partidos en vivo o respetar los ciclos de tus sueño y ponerte al día más tarde con una repetición o un video con highlights.

Alex Morgan Leaves For Tokyo In A Week; She Still Doesn’t Know If Her Young Child Can Come With Her

U.S. soccer player Alex Morgan leaves for the Tokyo Olympics in a week's time but says she is still unsure whether eased coronavirus restrictions for nursing mothers will allow her to bring her 1-year-old daughter with her.

Some athletes have complained that they are being forced to choose between the Games and their young children but organisers told Reuters on Wednesday "when necessary, nursing children will be able to accompany athletes to Japan".

U.S. Soccer’s Bizarre Twitter Rant Makes Me Want To Watch ‘LFG’ Even More

Released on June 24 on HBO Max, “LFG” is a documentary following members of the U.S. women’s national team in their fight for equal pay from the U.S. Soccer Federation. Based on the tweets from U.S. Soccer this week, I need to get an HBO Max subscription ASAP to see what has the USSF in such a tizzy.

LFG is the USWNT’s adopted slogan, an acronym for “Let’s Fucking Go!” The film, which debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in June, appears to be “Let’s fucking go after USSF,” if a recent Twitter thread is anything to go by. 

Ted Lasso Gave The USWNT The Best Roster Reveal We’ve Ever Seen

After months of speculation, the USWNT Olympic roster is here. Vlatko Andonovski went about as conservative as possible, picking an old, experienced, veteran squad to represent the Stars and Stripes in Japan this summer. 

Old Is Gold? USWNT Olympic Roster To Put Theory To The Test In Tokyo

After three months of bold predictions, shifting power rankings and in-depth sleuthing on who could possibly make the final 18-player USWNT Olympic roster, it’s safe to say that was all a waste of time. 

New Victoria’s Secret Angel Megan Rapinoe Under Fire For Old Tweet Some Are Calling Racist

Megan Rapinoe has made headlines for two very different reasons. The famous clothing brand Victoria’s Secret announced on Wednesday the company plans to have the USWNT star, transgender model Valentina Sampaio, actress Priyanka Chopra Jones and other women fill the role of the “angels” typically seen from the brand.

Victoria’s Secret said in a statement that it will “build new, deeper relationships with all women.”

5 USWNT Players Who Need To Impress In June If They Want To Go To The Olympics

Soccer coaches are faced with countless unenviable problems every day: How to go about training, how to set the team up for matches, how to meld personalities into a single unit. But one problem every coach would love to have is what Vlatko Andonovski is facing ahead of this summer’s Olympics: How to cut some of the best players in the world.

México Femenil Vuelve A Cruzar Caminos Con El Estados Unidos De Alex Morgan Y Megan Rapinoe

La Selección Mexicana Femenil tendrá un verano movidito con amistosos. El Tri, dirigido por Mónica Vergara jugará ante Japón y los Estados Unidos, con Alex Morgan y Megan Rapinoe a la cabeza. Los partidos servirán a sus rivales como preparación para los Juegos Olímpicos Tokio 2020, mientras que México se alista para las clasificatorias rumbo al Mundial de 2023.

Convocatoria México Femenil

Junto al anuncio, México también dio a conocer la convocatoria para esos partidos.

When Christine Sinclair And Megan Rapinoe Ruled The College Soccer World

The NCAA women’s soccer tournament kicks off on Tuesday in North Carolina. Personally, every time the College Cup rolls around, I think about one of my biggest regrets from my college days: deciding it was too expensive to buy a ticket to attend the 2005 College Cup, which was walking distance from my dorm room at Texas A&M.
