International Soccer

International Breaks Are Annoying But Necessary

A recent video on Yahoo! Sports asked the question: should international soccer be scrapped? The problems they laid out included the fact that international soccer requires teams to take two breaks during the fall so they can compete in international play to qualify for events like the Olympics or the World Cup.

Mexico Name Strong, Attack-Minded Squad To Break The Dos-A-Cero Jinx

The Hex kicks off on November 11 in Columbus, Ohio with the big one: the United States versus Mexico. El Tri manager Juan Carlos Osorio has announced his squad for that match and their trip to Central America to play Panama four days later.

While Osorio had the luxury of naming largely experimental squads for September’s final fourth round World Cup qualifiers against El Salvador and Honduras, as well as their October friendlies against New Zealand and Panama, the Colombian has named his strongest possible side in an attempt to end the Dos a Cero spell.

Relive The Greatest Comeback In The History Of Soccer

It's a tired cliche, but the game isn't over until the referee blows the final whistle. An unbelievable, historic match at the 2003 FIFA U-17 World Championship proved as much.

As soccer fans, we typically hate to see a game end in a 0-0 tie. But, there is nothing more humiliating than watching one team lose to another by five or more goals. In soccer, it's very important for a team to score the first goal of the game. If that's the case, your team automatically sets the pace for the match, and it also shows your opponents that you are here to compete.

Mathieu Valbuena Is Not Dead

Surprise! He's alive. What a year it's been for Mathieu Valbuena. After battling injuries and scandals, he was left off the France squad due to injury, and, of course, fans theorized that he must be dead.

Almost immediately following his removal from the squad, images of a fake death certificate began circulating twitter, and fans began spreading the rumor that the French midfielder had passed away, forcing his club to address the rumor on Twitter:

Chairman Blames African Champions League Loss On Sorcery

Mortada Mansour is the chairman of Egyptian club Zamalek, and he doesn't like the way his boys were beaten in the African Champions League final by Mamelodi Sundowns. Frankly, he smells a rat.

Monsour, per the Guardian, said this after the match:

“Is it natural to waste 18 chances in front of goal? Things were obviously not normal and there was magic and sorcery involved.” 

Renato Sanches Wins 2016 Golden Boy Award Because He’s The Man This Planet Needs

Dubbed the "Teenage Terminator", 19-year-old Renato Sanches is a savage. The youngest player to ever win the European Championships and the Euro 2016 Young Player of the Tournament, Sanches’ 2015-16 began with the Benfica B squad but ended with a transfer to Bayern Munich that could end up costing the Bavarian side as much as €80 million.

Sanches added another accolade to his growing trophy cabinet on Monday, winning the 2016 Golden Boy award ahead of Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford and Munich teammate Kingsley Coman.

Good Dog Steals Spotlight During Match In Argentina

No one can really be mad if a dog interrupts a soccer game. Especially if it’s a cute dog who looks like he is having the time of his life. 

This dog decided it was time for the two teams to take a breather so he distracted the audience by performing his own show. 

The USWNT's Fastest Debut Goal Record Was Broken For The Second Time In 4 Days

USWNT debutants are scoring so fast we can't even keep up.

Remember on Wednesday when Lynn Williams scored 49 seconds into her debut broke the USWNT record for fastest debut goal? How long ago that seems.

Sunday, playing Switzerland for the second time in a week, the USWNT handed a debut to 24-year-old Kealia Ohai, who promptly broke Williams' record, scoring 48 seconds into her USWNT career.

The USWNT beat Switzerland, who will be happy to be rid of the Yanks for a while, 5-1.

South African Footballer Reportedly Dropped After Farting At Coach

In a completely unsubstantiated but hilarious occurrence, we’ve caught wind of a recent development regarding South African international striker Tokelo Rantie. 
