Aston Villa

Aston Villa's CEO Thinks Fans Are Better Judges Of Talent Than Scouts

New Aston Villa chairman and CEO Dr. Tony Xia has made a bit of a name for himself on Twitter, and he's kept the ball rolling with a post quoting Chairman Mao, the former leager of the Peoples Republic of Chine.

Dr. Tony's got the cure for what ails you and it's communism.

Aston Villa Are Still Terrible

Not long ago, Aston Villa Chairman Dr. Tony Xia tweeted that he thinks Villa can be a top club in Europe and have the "highest number of fans all over the world."

Well, that's certainly a bold goal, but maybe it isn't as far-fetched as we think. After all, maybe this Dr. Tony guy really knows what he's doing, and maybe we should all just try to be optimistic and—

Aston Villa's Chairman Appears To Be Having Delusions of Grandeur

Aston Villa chairman Dr. Tony Xia participated an a special Twitter Q&A session, and one particular Q&A grabbed our attention.

The Biggest Flops Of The Premier League Season

As the 2015-16 Premier League season draws to a close, it’s time to honor and award those whose performances have captivated us over the course of the last nine months. It’s also a great time to shame those whose performances call into question the morality behind million dollar contracts and the myth of the sporting superhuman. These are the players whose performances will stick with us for all the wrong reasons; the biggest underachievers and flops of the 2015-16 Premier League season. 
